Created in Japan and first registered in 2005, Coluracetam is a very new and very important entry in the world of noots.

It is, thus far, the only known HACU(high affinity choline uptake) enhancer; HACU is the rate-limiting step at which acetylcholine can be produced within neurons, and this rate-limiting enhancement literally overclocks the cholinergic system, like jumping a broadband cap.

It has AMPA-like effects, and has been seen to reduce excitotoxicity due to glutamate/calcium influx as well as negate many cholinergic neurotoxins, which suggests a use for the Alzheimers spectrum and general learning disabilities due to its ACh preservation.

Human anecdotal reports include increased short/medium-term memory & visual/audial acuity, as well as motivation, focus/awareness and mood boosts.
Once taken regularly for roughly 2 weeks, improvements have been seen to persist for up to 72 hours after the last dose taken.

An essential nutrient, Choline is the precursor to a neurotransmitter heavily involved in memory and nerve communication(Acetylcholine). It can be found naturally in fattier proteins such as poultry, eggs, milk and almonds. It has an especially synergistic reaction with racetams, fueling their effects.

Choline supplements are often taken as a form of 'smart drug' or nootropic due to the role the neurotransmitter acetylcholine plays in various cognition systems within the brain. Choline is a chemical precursor or "building block" needed to produce acetylcholine, and research suggests that memory, intelligence, and mood are mediated at least in part by acetylcholine metabolism in the brain.